NEW -- Announcing UrbanDigs Private Advisory!

John Walkup

Talking Manhattan on
After hundreds of requests, we are proud to announce the launch of UrbanDigs Private Advisory!

UrbanDigs Private Advisory brings our expert, independent analysis to your specific situation. From price opinions to price cuts, we create a customized report that gets deals done. Private Advisory reports close deals faster by providing a powerful 3-party analysis regarding the market conditions particular to an individual listing, buyer, seller, or investor. Examples include:
  1. Pre-listing report for sellers
  2. Pre-bidding report for buyers
  3. Current market estimates for owners
  4. Competitive market analysis for price cuts
  5. Hyper-local reports for social media/network emails
  6. Cap rate analysis for investors
  7. Historical trend analysis for investors
Each report contains several pages of high-res charts, explanatory text, and a final, data-driven conclusion.

Prices start as low as $300 for subscribers. This month we are offering 50% off your first order. Simply email and us know what you need. We'll get back with your discounted proposal within the hour. That’s it!

Whatever your data needs - we got your back!

  • How much is it?
    • Discounted pricing for subscribers starts at $300. The retail price for non-subscribers starts at $500.
  • Can I get a discount?
    • Yes, this October, your first order is 50% off. Subscribers save an ongoing 40% off the retail price.
  • What will I get?
    • The reports are deep dives into your specific situation. For example, a price cut analysis may include a 10-page PDF made up of custom-created high-res charts and tables, a summary write-up, and conclusions from Noah and John.
  • How long does it take?
    • Reports on done on a first-come, first-serve basis. Each report is typically turned around within 24 hours. We can expedite it for a reasonable fee if needed sooner.
  • Can I see the results before I pay?
    • No, report preparation begins after payment has been made.
  • Can Noah or John present the results to my client in person/via Zoom?
  • What if I don’t agree with the conclusion, or the price opinion is too low/high?
    • These reports are written from a neutral, data-first perspective. They are not pay-to-play but rather serve as independent, third-party analyses.
  • What if I think the report is missing a critical fact or a highly relevant data set?
    • If you believe a conclusion is missing a crucial piece of information, please let us know, and we will consider revising it to accommodate the additional information.
  • I already priced my listing. Can I get a report supporting my price?
    • Report conclusions are a neutral analysis stemming from the current data available and are not meant to be cherry-picked to fit a given situation.
  • What if there is a misspelling or other error?
    • After being notified, we will correct typos or other errors as soon as possible.
  • Can I see an example?
    • Each report is unique, but please email us at, and we'll send over a generic example.
  • What if I have a question that is not on this list?